Monday, October 18, 2010

Third Week

Second grade will be exploring and creating with KidPix! We will learn how to add a background, stamps and insert a text box. We will also be saving our work and printing.

Third, fourth and fifth grade will apply the skills we learned last week using Word 2007 and complete the typing pretest and a lesson on Type2Learn.

All of the grade levels will be visiting their BRAND NEW grade level BLOGS! Below are a few to take a look at...

More are available on the Lake Forest site by clicking on "Classrooms." Under the BLOGS tab, you will see all the grade level blogs.

Third Week

Kindergarten and first grade will be working hard on their mouse skills. We'll be learning how to click, double click and click and drag.

“Tidy the classroom”


"Make a Face"

"Feed the Monster"


"Build a House"

Monday, October 4, 2010

Second Week

Grades K-1:
How can I create with KidPix? We will try our best to use and control our mouse. Also, we will use KidPix to: choose/set background, choose/select stamps, type text, save and print.

Grades 2-5:
How can I use Word to open and format a document? We will be using Microsoft Word to format a document. We will practice the following: 
opening a file
selecting text
changing the font size and color
bolding, italicizing and underlining text
center-align text
inserting clip art
spelling check

How do you keyboard? We wil be visiting BBC Dance Mat Typing to practice our skills.