Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fifth Week

Third through fifth grade will be working on two programs, Type to Learn and Calculating Crew! We are all enjoying the typing program and are almost ready to take a typing test again to check our progress! Also, we'll be practicing our math skills using Calculating Crew which is a math program available on all of the computers in the main lab.

Second grade will be applying their graphing skills from their latest math unit using Graph Club 2.0. We'll be matching graphs, creating our own, and printing some to take home with us!

First grade will be using Carnival Countdown and Zoo Zillions to apply their math skills and learn how to open and close a program.

Kindergarten will be reviewing KidPix (background, stamper, text) and creating a Thanksgiving decoration to take home with them.


Wow! Most all of our classes were able to earn 4 points each time they visited the lab! If your class earned 16 points, then this week or next you'll have 15 minutes of free time on your choice of sites or programs we have worked with over the last 4 classes! Congratulations!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fourth Week

Two words: Discovery Education!

First through fifth grade will be logging into DiscoveryEducation.com to view three of the many different resources available within discoveryeducation.com: ebooks, interactive glossary, and video segments. We will be using DE as a tool to locate information (NETS 3: research and information fluency).

Kindergarten will be exploring shapes with Carnival Countdown and Zoo Zillions. These two programs are available in the main lab on all 30 computers and provide practice and application of kindergarten through second grade math skills. (Teachers, Calculating Crew is another program available in the lab that provides skill practice for grades 3-6. If you'd like to know more, just email!)


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